Friday, November 8, 2019

Biology Lesson 3 Essays

Biology Lesson 3 Essays Biology Lesson 3 Paper Biology Lesson 3 Paper Primary producers or autotrophs are the ones that can produce complex organic substances or â€Å"food† from an energy source and inorgranic materials and in the illustration shown, these are the algae.   Herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores are classified as heterotrophs or organisms that get their energy by consuming organic substances.   Herbivores feed on plants, and in the illustration shown, these are the small animals and protists which feed on algae. Carnivores get their energy from eating live animals, and these are the killer whale, elephant seal, leopard seal, crabeater seal, and adelie penguin.   Omnivores feed on both plants and live animals, and these are the cod, squid and krill which feed on algae and small animals and protists. Detritivores are animals and plants that consume decomposing organic materials or detritus.   Decomposers on the other hand are organisms that consume decomposed or dead organisms. They both contribute to decomposition and the recycling of nutrients. In the food chain or food web, detritivores can be the millipedes, woodlice, and worms that consume dead organic matter like a dead elephant, and decomposers are the bacteria and fungi that digest and decompose organic matter more fully than the detritivores. The system of feeding relationships as shown in the illustration is better defined as a food web because of the complexity of the network of interactions.   Food chain is just a simple straight-forward linear pathway from one organism to the next and so on.   In the illustration, it is obvious that the path of the flow of energy looks like a web, meaning the flow of energy from one source to another and so on is interconnected by different paths. Burning fossil fuels emit CO2, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere which in turn contributes to the increasing temperature change in the atmosphere.   The increase in temperature change in the atmosphere is a phenomenon called global climate change or more popularly known as the global warming. In the graph shown, increasing concentration of CO2 directly results to an increasing temperature change in the atmosphere as time passes.   The graph also has direct relation to the industrial revolution happening on our planet. More and more industries and power plants have come out as time passes and most of these industries and power plants rely on burning fossil fuels as their primary source of energy.   This brings a detrimental effect on our planet resulting to an increasing temperature in the atmosphere.

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